Meet Our Coaches

You’re not alone in your search for a better, healthier life! The coaches at Ideal Weight Management are here to help. We’re on a mission: To help our clients and our community live healthier, happier lives. The more you know about diet and wellness facts, the easier it will be for you to reach your goals and maintain your health and weight for years into the future.


Certified Health Coach/Owner

Rose Gleichowski knew her entire family needed an extreme makeover in the area of nutrition. After hiring her own health coach to help her do so, Rose was so inspired and transformed that she became a Certified Health Coach and opened Ideal Weight Management.


Certified Health Coach

April Hulbert is a Gainesville native and graduate of the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy.


Certified Health Coach

Cindy has been a Certified Heath Coach with IWM for over three years. In addition, she has more than 18 years of experience in rehabilitation as an occupational therapist.
