Get Started

Thank You For Your Interest in IMPACT Health 360!

We would like to know a little more about you! Please complete the following questions and we will contact you within 24 business hours.

Please also complete the Health and Wellness Profile and bring that with you to your Get Started Appointment.

Your Get Started Appointment will last about an hour and a half. During this time, your coach will give you a full health assessment from your Fit3D and review your Health and Wellness Profile .  After listening to your goals, your coach will make a recommendation for a plan. We will review the costs and other important details and give your everything you need to get started! After the initial appointment, we will likely schedule to see you weekly until you have reached your goals. At that time, we may start to space out the appointments more as we feel comfortable for your success.

2550 SW 76th Street, Suite 130 Gainesville, FL 32608